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6/16/2018 12:16:19 PM

Concerns with bow.......

I have two main concerns with the bow based on all the gameplay ive seen. 1. Flinch on a very high skill weapon 2. Draw time wgen facing other primarys or secondary's 1. Flinch is never fun but it needs to be there on some level to make sure everyone has a fair shot in an engagement but im concerned how flinch will effect a gaurdian if they miss that opening shot at medium range with a 2 shot kill weapon. Solution: just have bows flinch values be a little lower or tied to handling for bows. It makes sense at least to me it does. 2. In fairness i dont know what the ttk is going to be for the game but with the draw speeds we saw in content creator videos it looks as if picking a bow in pvp means while you draw someone gets a free shot/ shots untill you have that arrow up. Solution: draw speed mods, and allowing us to run around with a charged bow shot while sprinting. It sounds crazy but with snipers and shotguns being a thing in the second quick slot i think it will work out fine.

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