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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika TotalDramaGamer: 6/26/2018 1:02:54 AM

Can we get a stormcaller exotic that grants two arc souls per person and doubles their duration of existance?

That would be f*cking awesome. I can't wait for the 'Arc soul only' challenge for Calus. Lol [spoiler]Absolutely not satire. Make this a thing plz. :)[/spoiler] The other idea I would also settle for is, when you cast Stormtrance, you gain a permanent 2 Arc Souls for the duration of the super. Either way, that's what I want the exotic: Super Shocky Stormclouds , to do. This an exotic chestplate, btw. We have too many helmets/guantlets.

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