Seriously stfu guys. You're acting like every n00b and their grandmother's going to be running around with the thing on Day -blam!-ing One, as if it's going to take 5 minutes to get or something. Have you even read the quest steps!? Do you even realise that players who got the Claymore already won't have to do ANY of that!?
You know the guys who already picked up the Claymore? The people who already finished the grind? THEY are going to be the ones running around with it on Day -blam!-ing One! THEY are the ones who will get the thing in 5 minutes! They've done the grind already! They're the ones who are getting the Broadsword without having to do anything! Yeah, that's a good thing, but the fact that most of them are complaining about the Broadsword's mere existence pisses me off to no end!
What do they have to complain about!? They're getting an exclusive emblem, pretty much instant access to the Broadsword, and the thing they're choosing to bitch and moan about is the fact that the Broadsword is available for players to get at all. They all completely ignore the fact that it's locked behind perhaps the single most lengthy PvP-based quest we've ever -blam!-ing seen, and they say things like [i]"oh, they're just [b]GIVING[/b] it away"[/i].
If the fact that it's available at all means it's being "given away" in your eyes, then you're just -blam!-ing stupid.
Nah, let them cry about it, it's entertaining lol.
Could care less about the gun. To long of a quest. Not worth it. Especially since it's ALL pvp. I dont live in my parents basement, and I have a life. In the end only a small percentage will get the broadsword, same as the claymore. Maybe if bungo focused on the pve aspect of the game like they do the pvp, it would be better.
It's not that good away. And the grind required is keeping me away, so you guys will be able to lord it over me.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Scorpius XX1: 8/19/2018 6:30:38 PMI think it's absolutely ridiculous that season 3 Claymore owners get immediate access to a possible masterwork, reroll version of the weapon day one. For what exactly? They did exactly what they set out to do in comp, and earned that season 3 reward....Well some did, and for some reason they get a pass from this assinine, time wrenching quest, while in the meantime pub stomping players with aforementioned rerolled Broadsword? Yeah ok that's fair. What does season 3 have to do with season 4? Nothing. All this is, is an excuse for Bungie to try and head off whiners. It's equivalent of a four year old crying over ice cream for five hours and that four year old being bought an ice cream truck to shut them up. Is this really what gaming has come to now? Studios have to go above and beyond to add rewards on top of rewards in order to please self important crybabies, while the rest of us have to suck it up and accept the fact that not everything in the game is going to be accessible. And then some of these people actually have the nerve to suggest the Broadsword quest isn't fair enough. Give me a break. So what's the example here, the moral, that I should pay some dimwit ludicrous amounts of money for something in game I didn't earn now, so I can also be catered to later if I whine enough? Yeah I'll pass.
Thank you for acknowledging how difficult the Quest is. Not many people are taking that into consideration.
The perks for the Claymore isn’t all that. The “Relentless” has a better perk set with the same base stats. I don’t really care for it. Didn’t grind for it and took a break from the game. I’m good.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Enochua: 8/19/2018 9:21:37 PMi got my claymore, im not salty about it, the gun and its perks were too good for it to be left behind, im glad they are bringing it up to forsaken standards. but i understand why some people are salty about it. it makes me feel good that the people who paid for it wasted their money.
All this entitlement ruins the fun. I have the Claymore, but I'm not annoyed in the slightest about the Broadsword. The Claymore will always be my trophy weapon from Season 3. Call me crazy but I actually would have liked to have the Broadsword questline haha, since quests are something to do. But oh well, it's nothing I'll lose sleep over. :)
Calm down.
Edytowany przez użytkownika TheFightingPie: 8/19/2018 4:22:31 PMIn the end it's was hugely the players that cryed they couldn't get it that inspired the broadsword to be made and now everyone can get a trophy for just about 2 weeks of crucible investment. The quest line takes 0 skill to complete...
Edytowany przez użytkownika Lion El'Jonson: 8/21/2018 11:13:53 AMI don't care for the redrix I do how mind that I cant attain the last catalyst because im not a sweat
word. 5 Valor resets isn't going to be quick and easy.
Edytowany przez użytkownika XXII: 8/20/2018 4:21:00 PM
Most people who have the Claymore don't deserve it either. It's just too easy to get a stack of tryhards in your side and just get carried. And the matchmaking is stupid. Putting a team of 1.2 K/Ds against a team of 3-4 K/Ds yeah sure that's fair right? Nothing about this grind was about skill or about earning this weapon. This was just a grind to show who's either A) Too tryhard at this game B) Willing to pay the big bucks C) Extremely lucky to be able to win matches with an average fireteam That is all. The fact that Claymore owners even get ANY compensation for it is just a toxic move by Bungie. And before you bitch at me, yes I do own the Claymore.
The only people crying are the ones who paid for account recoveries. Bungie is by no means giving it away; the new quest will take a long time to complete.
it is fair calm down. we good! I mean if I were them....I would be pissed if this was not a thing. grinder for who knows how long only for it to be worthless? smh!
I totally agree with you.. and it’s a small number of the 8k that got the claymore that are hating on the 80,000,000 that didn’t get the claymore.. i just hope that of that small amount of haters, none are content-creators, you-tubers or what ever you call them, that are relying on having a swath of that 80 million guardians to subscribe to their channels. many of the 80,000,000 that don’t have the claymore would also like to have fun with the game they PAID for also!!! remember that before you speak out to limit someone else’s fun..
The irony is that it's only being "given away" to those who earned (...or paid for) the Claymore and those are the ones complaining the most.
I’ve noticed that a lot of people that play this game seem to suffer from snowflake syndrome.
I mean...its the crybabies who wanted redrix's claymore but couldn't get it that contributed to this. It's insulting still to make a unique weapon only to create a dupe of it for players who can't win consistently in competitive. The quest to get it however, is probably going to take longer than getting to rank 3 to begin with, so I can't say it's just a freebie.
You're right. I am sure if Bungie releases quests to get all of the strike specific weapons you PVE grinders will not complain. They say "hey, these guns are exclusive to specific Nightfalls.....make sure you grind them endlessly to get it....oh never mind we've created a direct quest line to them all." The Redrix Broadsword is not an unforgivable betrayal. Its also not NO BIG DEAL. People have every right to be frustrated. So you sir, should kindly stfu.
Well, the Claymore was defintely a skill based quest...this other questline is just....long...
Edytowany przez użytkownika TehW3apon: 8/18/2018 9:55:51 PMI didn’t get this claymore and won’t be getting the new one. I don’t do crucible. Sometimes rarely when I’m forced into it if I want a quest or event completed but then only for as long as I have to. I’m not fodder for tissue box sticky-finger poopsockers. I’m not impressed when I see the emblems or special crucible guns on someone...I just pity them that they had to suffer through the nonsense or pay someone to play their character for them.
Yes i totally agree, nerf fusion rifles
Oh another weapon. Really? Who gives a shit.
They don’t have a life They have spent their last month on the game to get it Or they are the stupid noob that pay someone else to get it . And now they have realized that they ve wasted their money