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Edytowany przez użytkownika I.C. Wiener: 8/28/2018 5:12:44 AM

Pc Clan Looking for Year 2 Guardians

Hi, we are recruiting in our group for members that would like to play with a clan in year 2. Preferably you have Forsaken to join in on the fun. Light level is not a problem, and experience isn't either. The only requirements we have are to be 15+ and speak fluent English. A little background, Ascended Legion has been part of the Destiny community since launch of Destiny 1. We are filled with veterans and new comers, and love to sherpa others through raid. If you are willing to listen and learn, we are willing to teach. We do NOT want to carry people through the game, but we want to help others. We use Discord for all of our communication methods and have bots to create events and help track stats of each individual player as well. Request to join here:

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