2 veteran Destiny players looking for a laid-back active CLAN. Reply or PM. THANKS 🙏🤣🌩️
Hey we’re you both from we’re looking for new members FORSAKEN GUARDIANS UK [FGUK] "Loyalty, respect and we will do everything for our clan mates" We are a small adult Ps4 UK based clan with a max 30 members so nobody gets left behind and everybody knows each other , We are all adults who like to have a laugh and joke but it’s all light hearted nothing toxic or personal. The majority of our clan are raid Sherpa's that will help with Raids/NF's/Exotic Quests etc. We will get every engram each week but would like everybody to chip in with the XP We will Teach raid mechanics Arrange raids for Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as Saturday and Sunday evenings Compete in all pvp modes quickplay and comp Compete in gambit matches All pve modes nightfall’s, strikes and quests when they arrive Requirements -English speaking U.K. based so aligned game time for all clan members - level 500 at least 1 character - contribute to clan xp as much as possible - communicate with clan members via party’s etc (don’t be a solo player there’s no need) - Join our discord - only clan members invited