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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
10/6/2018 8:04:48 PM

To anyone who will complain about the sleeper nerf

Just remember: This is what happens when you abuse a singular weapon... I.E. Vex Mythoclast, Suros, Thorn, Last word etc etc. The moment when everyone uses the same weapon it is looked at, and tweaked accordingly. If you want to avoid this in the future, go to, and look up the term: Variety. It'll help in the coming years. [spoiler]Oh and to everyone saying this will eventually happen to queenbreakers, queenbreakers is a 2 shot body one shot head shot rifle regardless of sights used. Sleeper one shotted regardless of what you hit. Enjoy having to actually aim and be smart about your ammo usage.[/spoiler]

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