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Edytowany przez użytkownika WED Nosce: 10/14/2018 8:45:36 AM

Which D1 exotic rocket-launcher would you most like to return?

Dragon's Breath






I've been hankering for some Dragon's Breath action for several days now and it got me thinking; "What about the Truth?!" The Truth was undoubtedly the sickest Crucible beast (pre-nerf) ever to grace the arena. So I want to know, if it were our choice, which one would you choose? I even through the Gjallarhorn in the poll for all our "Special Needs" guardians that need a crutch. lol Also, if you have any suggestions on changes to your favorite RL, include them in the comments. So much has changed in D2, it would be hard to imagine any of these weapons returning without some kind of change or (hopefully) improvement.

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