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Edytowany przez użytkownika runswithduck: 10/20/2018 3:20:58 PM

[PS4/NA] Moon Cowboys is recruiting New and Veteran players of Destiny

Moon Cowboys PS4 / NA Current Level: 5 Seasonal Clan banner staffs earned: Banner Staff, Imperial Staff, Vigilance Staff, War-Torn Staff Join the Moon Cowboys today and jump in with our great clan. We conduct the Raid, Nightfall, and Gambit on a weekly basis, but we also have many members leveling characters that can help new members. We also enjoy casually hanging out doing Vanguard Strikes, Crucible, and Patrols. Joining will Guarantee you your clan Legendary Engrams each week. This is not counting the raining exotics and Legendaries you will get just playing with us. Give us a try you will not regret it! We are all on the discord all day talking about the game or just random stuff, we have a lot of fun on there:) Minimum Requirements for Joining Must be 18+ Must have Mic Must speak English Must have Discord

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