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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Partzivol: 12/5/2018 1:45:02 PM

Black Armory Is Basically Hitler

When I got this so called "season pass" I was expecting big DLC drops (as the name implies) but then bazooble didn't do the thing. I don't care about this nansee pansee bullshit like "evolving the game" or "trying to keep things more fresh." I want an instant dopamine hit cause I'm a good boy and want it. In conclusion I want babumka to cater to the casual player but also not, as well as keep content fresh, but not with "seasons" but by dropping new forsaken sized DLC's every week, and two on my birthday because I'm Mommy's special little boy.

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