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Edytowany przez użytkownika Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 12/12/2018 4:30:29 PM

People are intentionally losing in Gambit.....

For what I can only assume is to speed up completion progress for Breakneck. One less round means a quicker match completion. Welcome to Destiny. Where losing is actually the most efficient means in which to acquire something powerful meant to be earned. NO player should EVER be encouraged to do something that is not winning in competitive modes. EVER. These PvP quests steps are a massive hinderance to the enjoyment of this game. Last night I saw a post in Fireteams titled “speed losses in gambit”........ This. Is. Why. We. Can’t. Have. Nice. Things. Bungie PLEASE stop doing this. It’s a broken way of doing things. Edit: Thanks to all the honest people that admit that they WANT to lose the second round if the first round was a loss. I understand this feeling. I feel the same way. This is exactly why this is an issue and why PvP quest steps are a bad idea, as well as why Gambit in general could be different in a way that eliminates this sort of thing.

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