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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Ghostfire239: 1/30/2019 7:41:59 AM

The Last Word is...disappointing

I spent the entire day messing around with this weapon. It’s a fun weapon to shoot...just don’t expect to hit anything consistently. I don’t know how it is on PC but on console it feels terrible in my opinion. When you’re hip firing it feels like you’re shooting blanks and when you ADS...we don’t speak of the atrocity that take place when you try doing that. Watching two Last Word users go toe to toe is like watching two blindfolded individuals trying to shoot each other while holding the gun with their feet. It has its moments but overall, it’s nowhere near as good as it was in D1. I’ll give it a couple more days to in order get a better feel for it. Maybe I’m not using right.

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