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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika EVIL VENOM: 2/3/2019 1:57:33 PM

What could bring me back to play destiny?

I would like to start off to say that I haven’t played destiny in months but the recent news a few weeks ago about bungie splitting with Activision was great. To the Developers: What can make me play Destiny again? -Merge D1&D2 into one game and going forward like blizzard does with World of Warcraft -Have the D1 missions in Ikora’s meditations -give us a quest to go back to the old tower and investigate to see if we could reclaim our old gear (every single piece) A weekly challenge to obtain a couple pieces of the time. I know it sounds like a chore but I really miss my old trails gear from D1 -crossplay. Yes this is a big one but it would be nice for everyone to be in one crowded in one universe -build on this game there is no need to put a number 3 behind the next installment. A huge story driven narrative with tons of extra content. If you put a number behind a sequel you set your expectations are very high like you did with D1 going to D2. D1 set the bar very high and it was hard for D2 to even compete with D1 even now as it stands. Basically bring all the old content back (every single item) and add it with a few side story missions and new weapons and gear as well while you work on your next installment

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