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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Mirialans: 2/22/2019 10:18:17 PM

Destiny 2: Shaxx's first kiss and edgy times (Creepypasta/Trollpasta)

DISCLAIMER: Before you read this tragedy, I got to say that I think I was very tired when I wrote this, so prepair to cringe on what I though was scary,. ------------------------------------------------------- You may or may not know that doing the games development,, the developers left something out from the final game, originally this was going to be a story mainly focused at shaxx... here it is, leaked by the developers. Once upon a time in a city called the Tower, there was a warrior by the name Shaxx, who all he did was to yell at the guardians doing crucible, so one day he got tired, he wanted to be a fisherman, he wanted to be cool, he said in an edgy voice "im gonna go for a walk huh" smiled, he then decided to go to Ikorra and Caydee-6 and asked them "Its it alright I take a day off since im so tired of yelling at those guardians", both of them replied "hmmm yeah", Shaxx jumped and scream like a happy boy, he went and packed some sandviches and biscuits just In case he got hungry. Shaxx then went to the gate and open jt and went to the city,. Chapter 2 Shaxx saw some edgy guardians all yelled at him "HAY SHAXX YOU SUCK", Shaxx then said "I got a day off", the edgy guys then said "uuhh alright bye!" all staying at him. Shaxx went to a shop bought a watch since he havent had one since Slice Bread... But then he saw her, Shaxx shyly asked her "h-hey" in a dorky way, she replied "hello there Shaxx", she asked. Shaxx knew that he was chosen to her, hes body got hyper and then loudly answered "I AM SHAXX HOW DO YOY KNOW ME SWEETY?...WHATS YOUR NAME THEN?", she smiled at him and replied "My name is Linda, I know your since everybody plus the guardians always talking about you", Shaxx replied "nahhh those dorks dont know anything, im a pro" Linda then replied "well if you wanna meet tomorrow, we can talk, meet me at the Cosmodrone", Shaxx hyperly replied "YRSSESSS" Shaxx then went out and walk home, he was very excited, since he never had this chance...ever Chapter 3 After Shaxx rent through the Fallens to meet her, they finally met, Shaxx was very shy, he though earlier on wearing a genthelman suit or some else, he got kinda tired of using the same armor ever since he got accidently got knocked by a guardian, Shaxx said "h-hello" then Linda replied "Shaxx hello, like view", Shaxx then clumsly replied "Yes, I am NO, I Mean Yes", Shaxx said "do you like me?", Linda said "why ask such a silly question?" she though something but then she got tired and kissed him on his helmet and ran away, Shaxx was very hyper he danced of happiness and singed "I am, Lucky, uu uu uugh".... But after that he never saw her again... untill Chapter 4 Final It was 26 months later, he did his samey job as been the announcer at the crucible, when he went home, was tired of keep yelling all day, he got a messege on his desk and it said "Dear Shaxx its me Linda, come to this location 999" Shaxx got excited but he knew some odd with the messege, he then said "why is there 999 on it, I mosr figure it out. But it wasnt just nines, IT WAS hyper realistic nines, he was very confused Chapter 5. Not end yet Shaxx then rent to the Cosmodrone, his sparrow went out of gas and then said "bogger that was suddle" He knew but anyway moving on. When he went to last location where there where dead fallens everywhere and hyper realistic blue blood looking jelly laying evetywhere in the cave, and with the letter 999 writing with which seems to be different jelly, he never knew even to this day. Shaxx then said loudly "Holy Snacks" untill he heard laugh which sound very realistic, he went deeper and deeper untill he saw her, Linda then said "Good day shaxx" Shaxx replied with "H-Honey!?", She then disapeared and never to be seeing again, he saw a plate of chocolate and with a paper saiid, "num num tasty", Shaxx cried and took a bite of that chocolate Chapter 6 Ever since that. He never ate anything but only Chocolate, sad and saddy, Linda then apear out of no where in his living space for some reason.... Shaxx then said "l-Linda I though you where gone" Linda then took him out of his chair, she used an device and both became sonic fasty, Shaxx became strung again, Linda said to him "remember that kiss I gave you?, Shaxx giggly replied "Yes?", She then replied "that was just for fun" she disapeared and never ever came back to him, Shaxx screamed "NOOOOOUUU!!!!" loudly. 10 Years later he decided to go back to his boring job, being the announcer for crucible and drink coffee and eating bagels, but he has since forgotten it. Chapter 7: 999 months later he saw a group of guardians having 999 on their armors, Shaxx remember seen these in the houses on earth but he ignored it. Shaxx jinxly replied "H-hey kool armor" they edgely replied "hah look at this guy" Shaxx replied but didnt knew what he really want to say but he decided to say random gibberish "Let try me be part of you edgy group, The edgy guardian then replied "well fine but do a test" Shaxx said "what test?", the edgy guy then said "go and complete 96728 matches and you can get in da club", Shaxx quickly said "Awesome, im gonna do that" after weeks of weeks of do that test, Shaxx was so tired that he went to shower 9 times a day to clean up the sweat that he had got. The next.week Shaxx went to the edgy guardiand and said "hey I did as you asked for", edgy guy then replied "ups sorry place has been taken, you wasted your time" all 9 edgy guardians laugh at him, Shaxx in fact got so angry that he beat the biscuit out all them and said "Said comeback guardians", the edgy guy then replied "screw this we are out of here", they 9 has since never returned to the tower, ever since. End If you wondering what the producer said after he red this cut content, well here it is. "This story is like a 9 year old bread, thats what I say" It was alson reported that a file hidden in the PC version named edgystory.exe is in it, just in case The End :)

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