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Edytowany przez użytkownika Twentys401: 3/22/2019 7:29:34 PM

PS4/NA My Edge Transit brings all the girls to the yard.

Here's the deal, we're a small clan of mature players (21 to 40), and we plan on staying small. We're literally looking for like 3 or 4 more peeps who are interested in raiding weekly, and just want some good pals to do weeklies with. No raid experience required, we can teach. Bonus points if you like pizza and beer. Please don't be a rage quitter, or super annoying. That'll make us cry, and not like you. As a side note, we play more games together as well if you need more squad mates in anything! We're usually most active after 7pm EST, once we've put in the necessary wife/kid time. Drop me a line if you're interested, or have any questions.

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