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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
5/31/2019 4:45:04 PM

More trace rifles

I want more trace rifles. This is a new weapon type they thought up but haven't utilise it outside of making PlayStation a unique platform to play on. As of now there are only 3(2 for PC and Xbox) trace rifles in the game and they are all exotic. I want more legendary trace rifles and different archetypes already. Like an archetype that shoots a fat beam that's hard to miss but does slightly less damage and has a lower crit modifier. Or one that shoots two or more beams making getting the full crit damage a bit harder. Coldheart and Wavesplitter their types are good to for normal ones. Ramping up damage could be it's own type but at a lesser rate. As for Wavesplitter same as it is now. Random spikes in damage but without the orb of light supercharge part. I really hopes one of the pinnacle weapons was a trace rifle. Thought it would be a perfect choice for the vanguard.

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