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6/8/2019 6:04:17 AM

About the Forsaken Complete Edition on PS4

Hey guys,, started playing Destiny 2 (base game) back in 2017, but I stopped playing because I got bored with it. Now, my friends have Destiny 2 AND all of the expansions, and I am considering to get back on the grind. I was wondering: If I get the complete edition, what will happen to my base game edition? Will I end up with 2 copies of Destiny 2 ( 1 base game, and the other having the base game with all of the expansions) or Will the new content just add onto the base game I have right now? BUNGIE PLZ HELP btw, the Complete Collection comes with: the base game, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken, and the annual pass.

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