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Destiny 2 będzie jutro czasowo niedostępne z powodu prac serwisowych. Aby być na bieżąco, obserwuj @BungieHelp.

Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
7/7/2019 2:05:22 PM


Boss slam mechanics are one of the most poorly designed and horrendously dumb mechanics in the game. Shotguns? lol get slammed. Melee debuffs? lol get slammed. Tractor cannon debuff? lol get slammed. Swords... LOL. Melee supers? LOL GET SLAMMED. 3 freakin' times I tried to land my heavy fists of havoc jump attack (top tree) and EVERY time I got even remotely close to the Primeval I got slammed and thrown off the platform, completely wasting my super

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