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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Rose: 7/12/2019 5:41:51 PM

About the new title... <Pinnacle weapons>

Bungie, getting a new title is an incredible idea and having a month would be alright and everything... but one achievement sounds pretty impossible. And, at this point, I personally can say that it won't be changed, either, which sucks because I could probably get it if it weren't for trying to get a Crucible pinnacle weapon. I understand that other sections may be difficult, whether it be doing raids or having to get another pinnacle weapon, but this part, in particular, seems to be TOO much. While the Gambit and Strike pinnacle legendaries may be difficult and timely, there is nothing that keeps any type of player from just not getting them. Even if you are not great at Gambit and it means doing more and even if your team leaves, you can still get Breakneck, Hush, or Delerium. Same with Strike pinnacle weapons. HOWEVER, the Crucible weapons each ask of you to be a specific type of player: a PvP player with mastery skills. And, if you don't have that, it does not matter how far you get. Earning glory is just about impossible for somebody like me who is pretty terrible when it comes to this game type... which, in this case, means no seal. I could be one step away from just about every Crucible pinnacle weapon quest and be shut down because of an inability to be good at getting glory (meaning getting kicked down every time I get even a LITTLE glory) OR not wanting to spend an obscene amount of money to get a legendary weapon. Even as I progress with Luna's Howl, it won't matter because of how much glory I need. Same with Recluse, which only needs the glory rank. I know that everybody will find their struggle in seeking to earn this title, but this specific section of the seal seems to halt those who are not good at Crucible. Certainly, it would still be a grind and will just ask for more when Solstice comes but it feels like excluding a certain type of player, such as myself, who is not alone when it comes to not being anything good enough to win a whole bunch of Crucible matches... which feels wrong, honestly.

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