I don't know about you guys but I can't help but feel like bottom-tree Voidwalker is a little lackluster. Sure it's nice to have such a strong health regen in PvE, but other than that the rest of the tree doesn't really bring that much to the table compared to the players other choices.
Here's what I think is bad:
1. Nova Bomb; compared to Attunement of Chaos' Slowabomb it does next to nothing with a small blast radius and short range. The lingering effect dosn't last long and does little damage.
2. Devour perk activation; while the loop of consuming a grenade/melee-killing an opponent to heal and keeping the streak going to regain health and grenade is a cool concept on paper it doesn't really compete with other classes and trees, especially in team activities and in the Crucible.
Here's a proposed way to make the subclass more potent:
1. While the blast radius and projectile behavior don't necessarily need to be changed I suggest making the lingering effect:
a. Last longer.
b. Do more damage.
This way it can be used in more ways than just a "powerfull grenade" in the Crucible as well as making it tactically viable for zoning off areas. In PvE it would make it more viable for DPS.
2. As the subclass is sentered mostly around ability and health regen I suggest making the Following changes:
a. Activate the Devour perk on Nova Bomb kills.
b. Have the Devour perk regen grenade, melee, and super energy.
This would make the whole subclass-tree really work in synergy to keep the loop alive.
Now, I know what you're thinking, especially in terms of Crucible. "That would make it OP!" "How do you kill them if they just regen everything an chuck supers every other second?!". I agree to an extent. But the potency would be entirely reliant on the numbers here. In terms of super regen think Practice Makes Perfect on the Gunslinger. Nothing extreme or game breaking. As for the regen of the other abilities I think it's entirely fair considering the sanbox we are currently in. The big ability regain from pushing yourself further into streaks would also be more of an incentive than just "getting your grenade back".
What do you guys think? I would love to hear :)
Also let's keep it civil yeah? No need to be rude or angry, let's have a wholesome discussion here <3
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