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9/6/2019 7:31:48 PM

Looking for a friendly clan.

Recently got kicked from a clan due to inactivity, when I was just taking a break due to getting burned out. Was given no notification before hand. So, here I am again looking for a place to go. REQUIRMENTS IM LOOKING FOR -Discord [u]NOT[/u] required -High member count -Very helpful members -Chill members only -No Sqeakers Info about me I'm 27, I have a job with a weekly changing work schedule, not always in the mood to play d2, but willing to help members when I am playing. Been playing since Destiny 1, and have all characters at 750 till shadowkeep which I may buy, idk yet. Not crazy about pvp, but I tolerate it. Kinda anti-raid due to so many false promised runs and bail outs. Even deleted a last wish chest key due to sitting on it for 3 months and not able to get into a reliable team. I main ps4, but have a Xbox one, however.. Only have forsaken and all current content on ps4. I ran the Calus raid abit on Xbox, got up to rivens heart on last wish before team bailed after a single fail. Completed the phase 2 of the big mech in Scourge of the past raid on ps4. Everything else I know nothing about, but am willing to learn... Assuming ppl keep their word on a completion. I'll happily answer any questions you have.

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