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9/14/2019 2:02:49 AM

SHY? FIND YOUR KIND OF CLAN: Reluctant Converts

Want to be a part of a clan of like-minded people? If you’re shy, introverted, or maybe even a little anxious of playing with hyper social or aggressive players, you’ve found the right clan. We understand that the game sometimes favors the aggressive, but we’re not those players. We are a diverse and relaxed group of skilled, though somewhat shyer, gamers who have found a safe and fun place to hang out, share our love of Destiny and its lore, and team up with new friends for challenging content. If it sounds like what you’re looking for, you’re most welcome. Otherwise, have fun finding the right clan for you! Message me if you have any questions: xxAgent_99xx Or go to the D2 companion app under Clans and request to join. PS4 / US / PT, MT, CT, ET / UK and International English-Speaking / NO AGE LIMITS

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