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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
10/20/2019 5:26:11 AM


I bought Forsaken and Shadowkeep Super Deluxe Edition on my main Steam account. I had no microstuttering / stuttering issues until after I bought the two. After I bought the two, my game would MICROSTUTTER EVERY 2-4 SECONDS, NONSTOP, EVERYWHERE IN THE GAME, INCLUDING IN GAME, ORBIT, AND EVEN IN THE CHARACTER PICKING MENU. I know because I would move the cursor and it microstutters, because the ENTIRE game microstutters. The BEST NEWS is, that I FOUND OUT that IT IS NOT my PC that is the problem, it's my DESTINY 2 STEAM ACCOUNT. I got this problem when I still had an i5 and a GTX 1660 Ti, a week ago. But just recently, I got it upgraded to an i7-9700K and an RTX 2070, tried all sorts of graphics settings in Destiny 2, reinstalled the whole OS and reinstalled drivers, etc. IT DID NOT FIX IT. But I tried another Steam account on Destiny and guess what, NO MICROSTUTTERING!!! Then I swapped BACK AND FORTH MANY TIMES with the 2 accounts and I confirm 100% that it is NOT MY PC but MY DESTINY 2 STEAM ACCOUNT. There is something very wrong that occurred to my Destiny 2 account after I bought Forsaken and Super Deluxe Edition. I bought Forsaken and the standard Shadowkeep DLC on the NON-stuttering account and I have had NO MICROSTUTTERING ISSUES. I think there is something horribly wrong with the SHADOWKEEP SUPER DELUXE EDITION or something with my SAVE / CLOUD DATA. What I want is a REFUND on BOTH DLCs that I bought on my stuttering account and ALL progresses, saves, cloud data, stats, etc ERASED/DELETED. This is so that I can repurchase the Forsaken and standard Shadowkeep DLC and not risk having this problem ever again and also so that I can use my MAIN account for Destiny 2, and not some noob alternate steam account, which I hate throwing my time and effort into. THIS IS THE STEAM ACCOUNT THAT I WANT REFUNDS + ALL DATA WIPED:

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