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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
11/11/2019 10:03:52 PM

I am making a Destiny 2 themed version of Munchkin (fan made project)

Hello! My name is Ethan, and I am in the planning stages of making a Destiny 2 themed Munchkin deck. It will be based off of the base game only. I am making this post to (hopefully) get the attention of some of Bungie's developers so that I can get in contact with them, because I need Bungie's help. I am wondering if I can get in contact with one of the devs to ask for access to certain assets from within the game. I know I'm not well known or anything, so I don't think this will really take off or anything. That's not what I'm expecting though. I am looking to get a hold of the assets (mainly high resolution pictures) of exotic and legendary weapons and armour pieces, and enemies, whether they are just the models or something similar to a screen shot from within the game. I will not be distributing this to anyone at any time, I only plan on using this deck for games of Munchkin that me and my friends play when we get together and hangout or if I'm feeling confident with the quality, I might try submitting something showcasing this for MOTW. I have no idea if this has been done before, but if it has, i assure you that I will not be using anything that the other party might have come up with. All of the cards/mechanics in this fan made version of Munchkin will be from my own ideas. Thank you one and all for just reading through this, it means a lot just to have someone read this post and at least be intrigued by my idea. If any of the Bungie developers are reading this, thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to read this crazy idea of a post! If you could please reply to this post with a way that I could contact someone who might be able to grant me access to the assets that I would like to use, that would mean the world to me!! Sincerely, Ethan

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