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Destiny 2

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12/14/2019 3:31:38 AM

A Solution to Pinnacle Weapons

These ritual weapons are too easy to get. They're hardly worth getting for use in any game mode. Respectfully, I don't understand why you didn't fix the problem with pinnacles instead of nuking them like this. Redrix is a good example of a weapon that was really hard to get, and only the best could get it. Make all pinnacles difficult to get. I have some suggestions for bringing back pinnacle weapons, please read and consider. A general idea for all pinnacle weapons as a weapon type is to give them their own rarity, maybe a Red rarity. Make them like exotics, in that only one can be equipped at a time. The optimal loadouts would be a legendary, pinnacle, and exotic. Crucible Pinnacles: The recent changes to crucible (survival/competitive) has made the skill gap apparent, but now the high skill players get to 5500. I have two ideas that can be implemented separately or together. Up the the max Glory rank from 5500 to somewhere around 10K-15K. This would allow for more variety in who achieves what ranks. My other idea is to make the crucible pinnacle weapons ONLY obtainable through achieving max rank AND hitting a certain amount of wins after hitting max rank, similar to the triumph for getting 50 wins after hitting max rank. Gambit Pinnacles: Make them obtainable only by hitting a certain win streak, as well as hitting max rank twice in a season. I don't play much Gambit, but I feel that the people who do deserve to be differentiated by who is the best and who isn't. To make sure how much a person played Reckoning isn't a factor in this, make the win streak portion only available through normal Gambit. Vanguard Pinnacles: This is one I have trouble with, since I think free to play players should be able to obtain it, but something strike/nightfall related would require certain power levels. My idea is to have players hit a nightfall rating of 150K-175K in all the normal 3-a-week nightfalls. For the ordeal nightfalls, a score of over 100K for every master nightfall that the season has to offer. I feel this is also the only pinnacle in which a "grind" themed around that seasons pinnacle, for example: 1000 bow kills for this bow, is worth having within its requirements. I feel like these changes, along with making them their own rarity, would justify them having the insane, amazing perks that they used to have. Making them too easy to get is what killed their uniqueness and "achievement" factor. Also, making them obtainable through the seasons instead of just the season that they're in is something I disagree with, but I'm also not entirely against it if these changes were made. That way, people can be rewarded for eventually getting it. Like, let's say for 4 seasons someone just COULDN'T get to max rank crucible and hit the win streak, but they tried every season. Then, on that 5th season, they finally do it, and then they get all the weapons they had tried to get before. Honestly, that feeling would be so amazing. Thank you for reading to those who did, please give feedback on what you think of this

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