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4/23/2020 9:24:32 PM

I seemed to have deleted my previous Steam account but I forgot to unlink it.

This wasn't intentional for me to delete my previous account but it was more-or-less a mistake that I have gotten myself into, plus the fact that I've been wanting to return to Destiny has been an issue due to this event. So, long-story short, I had deleted my previously linked Steam account but forgot to unlink that account before deleting it. Could I receive help upon how to unlink it?

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Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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  • Hi there! Unfortunately, Bungie cannot assist with issues like this as they do not have access to remove accounts that cannot authenticate. Credentials are not stored on Bungie profiles. They are simply passed through via the hooks the platforms provide to log in. In order to make any changes to your profile, you need the account information that is associated with that platform. You can try to contact Steam Support for more assistance.

    Język wpisów:


    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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