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Edytowany przez użytkownika TrOnzl3r: 6/9/2020 12:49:35 AM

Bug Report - The Menagerie - The Riposte Rally Banner

Destiny 2 PC Version So yesterday my clan mates and I did five runs of the Heroic Menagerie to get some gear and the flawless boss triumph. The order of the encounters was Lamp Lighting > The Hunted > The Riposte > Boss Fight each time and we always completed each encounter to get maximum progress. The issue we had was with the Rally Banner at The Riposte after completing The Hunted encounter. Every time a rally banner was placed at The Riposte before starting the encounter no matter who placed it, I could not interact with it to gain ammo and super energy. With the exception of one person in my fireteam for the first 3 runs before they subbed out, no one was able to rally up before the encounter. The one person who was able to rally was also able to do it multiple times. The bug was not game breaking as we still had enough ammo and completed the encounter each and every time but more of an inconvenience and worth reporting here. On a separate note, when can we expect to get rally banners before each encounter in The Shattered Throne dungeon? The Pit of Heresy dungeon has them throughout before encounters as do the raids yet The Shattered Throne receives no love. Thank you.

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