And on a related note, Jojo’s is completely overrated and does not deserved the hype it gets. A trash anime imo.
What if you want to watch anime but never get a chance to?
Agreed. Its just a bunch of dudes screaming about their stands while looking like traps. Look i get it, youre fighting but is it really necessary to yell ORA or MUDA everytime you punch someone smh
Edytowany przez użytkownika Unseelie Nil: 6/24/2020 3:42:07 PMThe only good animes are Cory in the House and King of the Hill. Oh, and Jackie Chan Adventures
[quote]A weeb is a derisive term for a non-Japanese person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture, they wish they were actually Japanese.[/quote] So I mean... yeah... you’re right. Never watched Jojo’s, and probably never will. I’ve seen enough buff men making stupid faces at the gym, so it’s nothing new to me.
You over here gatekeeping the term weeb while the rest of the sane world doesn’t care
I get you have your own opinion, [spoiler]which I respect[/spoiler] but why does it matter if watching jojo makes you a weeb or not?
To each their own. I like JoJo's personally, but I also don't really have the drive or time to watch anything anymore.
Every single character looks and dresses like a drag queen. Overrated and dumb. [spoiler]HAIL HYDRA!!!!!!!![/spoiler]
Never watched the anime myself so my opinion of its quality is TBD, but I agree that people overhype it too much. The memes are reaching, or have reached, pickle rick levels of obnoxious.
Yeah, just because you listen to Metallica, that doesn't make you a metalhead. You've gotta be deep in the hole
Woah woah woah you take that back. You probably watch dragon ball z and Naruto ya filthy casual.
Edytowany przez użytkownika HiddenAlignment: 6/23/2020 10:11:07 PM[quote]And on a related note, Jojo’s is completely overrated and does not deserved the hype it gets. A trash anime imo.[/quote] Excuse me. Did you, as an individual, state your personal opinion of how you dislike a popular Japanese animated show that I, as an individual, personally enjoy due to its art style, enjoyably random abilities and unique story? WHaT aRe yOU?! SOMe sORt oF IDioT?! [spoiler]I respect your opinion even though I highly disagree with you.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Fades Away[/spoiler]
Edytowany przez użytkownika cRaZyT101: 6/23/2020 8:38:00 PMI found Stardust Crusaders to be incredibly boring compared to the first two JoJo's. Never bothered to continue after that. Only parts of it I really enjoyed was the dude who turned them into kids, the poker guy, and DIO.
I quite enjoy Jojo’s Bizarre adventure to be honest. I only watched parts 1-3 but there was never a time in the anime where I was bored...I mean sure the pacing was a bit iffy throughout the show but still, there wasn’t a time while watching where I was like “come on” Especially in part 3, even though it did seem to really drag on, I appreciated how different each episode was and how absurd some of them were, it made for a fun watch and some hilarious moments in my opinion.
I respect your opinion, but I do not acknowledge it. Everything is not made for everyone, and not everyone has to enjoy what other people want them to. [spoiler]Hecking Spitfires[/spoiler]
... YES!... [spoiler]this undeniable fact is included in the DLC[/spoiler]
I love JoJo because of how stupid it is.
[quote]And on a related note, Jojo’s is completely overrated and does not deserved the hype it gets. A trash anime imo.[/quote] That’s your opinion and that’s totally fine, I personally really enjoy it.
My friend tried to get me into it. I don’t see the appeal either.
Yare yare daze...
I’ve been watching MHA mostly.
Name some good ones, then.