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7/9/2020 11:11:47 AM

[PS4] [NA] 21+ Casual Adult/parent clan looking for some more members

Hello! We’re a laid back clan looking to add a few more members in anticipation of Beyond Light and...beyond. While we are a more casual clan we do take on everything the game has to offer. We are mostly US EST and CST based, but do have some players in other time zones as well. Our prime time tends to be about 7pm through 12pm EST during the week, and off and on all day during the weekend. As mentioned we are a more casual clan that focuses more on having fun over winning at any cost. We’re a bunch of working adults and parents that log on at night after a day at work and an evening with the family to shoot some aliens and have laugh or two, not get yelled at because we missed a raid mechanic or had a poor crucible match. We just look to have fun playing a game we love with some good friends. We do use discord to chat and coordinate outside of the game. You don’t need to post 20+ times a day, but that is where we set up events and most of the out of game communication happens. We’re looking to keep the clan around 35-40 members so people can get to know each other, not be just another name in the crowd. So if you’re looking for a laid back group to play with, give us a shout! We’re looking to add a few more members as more guardians come back for the late summer events and Beyond Light. If you have any questions or want to talk more about the clan feel free to send me a message or a comment here. Thanks!

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