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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
7/16/2020 12:05:19 AM


Why is an endgame activity where light level matters having it's many armor sets sunset ? these are not fast to get a usable set (not even considering god roll) . The time and effort make them pointless to get if they sunset, even if once they sunset and gain a slight increase later on there are other armor sets people have been working on in the meantime to replace what they previously had already. It should be either one of or the only armor sets that has the same light level cap as exotics. Yes this game is a looter shooter, but no this game needs longevity for those that can't put in 3+ hours a day, every week etc. This game needs to decide where and what will be a set that can keep growing with their characters but that should be its own post, as all other MMO whether their shooters or rpgs have at least 1-3 sets of gear that grow with their character. Those that either skip/ too busy to max even a free season pass due to work, have religious holidays/gatherings or schooling, children ( with and without special needs) are too busy to grind out and masterwork extra armor sets on top of raid gear and seasonal armor.

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