This is every week. I know im not the only person dealing with this bullshit. Your loot system sucks. Honestly its been 6 years and your loot system still garbage. You need to figure out a new system. Because the current one is not working for people who are trying to level.
Why are you only doing the +1 pinnacles? Those are last on the list,GoS raid first(and Master nightmare hunt/100k NF). At least in the GoS raid you are almost guaranteed a energy weapon,or 2 but most likely 4.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Sweet Lew 88: 9/1/2020 5:17:54 PMYou game history is hidden, you doing dungeons, garden of salvation, 100k nightfalls, master nightmare hunts, and iron banner for +2 drops? I got duplicates too, but I've been 1060 armor n guns for weeks.
Sweet. Only two more and you got a pair for every day of the week
Leg day
I feel your pain man, it took me 3 weeks to get 1060 boots for my warlock. I maxed him at 1060 then thought I'd work on my Titan who's at 1059, first 4 pinnacles were all primary weapons. The rng has been this bad for months for me, it sucks a**e.
Bruh they can't even fix sleeper nodes because they literally don't know how. They're incompetent. They'll replace the current proven-rigged system with one that's even worse.
Remove the Soft Cap.
That’s working as intended. It’s not a RNG. People already stop playing months ago one of the reasons is this fake RNG. And why do you want the 1060 if next few weeks it would mean nothing. Why playing/grinding stuff..if they will get nerfed and sunset. This game will get better only if they fire all those in charge right now. Start with Luke smith
No you aren't. Before Cross-save (during Forsaken) I tried to level up a 4th character on PC using the Milestone system. I gave up after only leveling up 50 power levels over the course of six weeks (I sill had another 60 to go to be able to do Black Armory content). The last three weeks were spent spinning my wheels getting nothing but kinetic weapons and those same leg armor drops. The Seasonal Artifact has made this broken system **somewhat** more tolerable. But its still a band-aid on a cancer. The system simply needs to be gotten rid of.
I did finally get to 1060 but that was one of my issues also.. got 5 1060 helmets in a row... seems weighted in favor of duplicates
This was my week too. It definitely leaves a bad taste, it reminded me that it was this lottery that made me quit during d2y1. I'll stick with it for another week or two but if I'm only levelling up by 1 power every other week there isn't much point. What's preventing Bungie from ensuring that pinnacle drops earned in a given week are for different slots?
[quote]This is every week. I know im not the only person dealing with this bullshit. Your loot system sucks. Honestly its been 6 years and your loot system still garbage. You need to figure out a new system. Because the current one is not working for people who are trying to level.[/quote] It's works just fine. Do you also expect win the lottery with every ticket you buy?
Good thing you got at least 7 more pinnacles to go.
That's a lot better than bloody bows ffs
There needs to be some kind of bad luck protection in place. Maybe have something like the umbral engrams and give you some sort of loot pool for what you need. Anything has gotta be better than what we have now because its just frustrating not progressing sometimes for most of the week
Kinda reminds me of the “Forever 29” from D1... everyone is feeling the pain from RnGesus
It's called RNG. RNJesus didn't smile upon you
Helmets, chest pieces and class items . Over and over.