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9/9/2020 6:33:36 PM

A Surprise Event (Story)

Blaze receives a black satin invitation at his house. Blaze opens it up and reads it. It reads, "You are both cordially invited to the wedding of Chiara Deidra, and Ikeriabelle, to be held in...about ten minutes?" Blaze blinks before running up the stairs and yelling at Fox, “GET YOUR GOOD DRESS ON!” “What? Why?” “IT’S CHIARA and KERIA’S WEDDING!” “AHHH!” Blaze reads the invitation for the location after he and Fox get into their ship, 9 minutes later. It reads for "The Reef." There is a whirlpool near the dock. Blaze and Fox jump into it instantly. They appear in a waiting area, recognizably, it's the Coral Palace. Blaze and Fox sit down. Blaze wearing a black suit with streaks of red and blue, and Fox wearing an orange dress. A door at the end of the hall opens. It's Chiara. "Hey guys!" She is dressed in a shimmering gown, with silver earrings and makeup. Blaze and Fox walk over, grinning. “Hey!” "Well thanks for coming!" Chiara smiles. “Of course! We wouldn’t miss it!” Fox says. "Thanks! Should be any minute." Chiara is beaming, oblivious to anything bad. Blaze smiles. “So where should we sit?” "In here!" Chiara walks back through where she was, and into a gigantic cathedral, with beautiful stained glass windows, and the walls are glimmering Abyssilialite. Blaze and Fox gawk at it all. "How's it look?" Chiara asks with a shine in her eyes. “Amazing!” They say at once. "I think so too. I can't believe she built this in one day for me.." Chiara giggles. Blaze and Fox chuckle. “That was very sweet of her!” "I know! I watched it form from my room all night! It was awesome!" “Sounds like it!” Fox says. “When Blaze was building something, it was a secret.” "Heh yeah! Oh goodness me. It's starting." A bishop motions from the front of the room on a raise platform. Blaze and Fox sit in an open spot. Chiara hurries down to the end of the aisle, and Keria walks in. She is dressed in a aquamarine ball gown, it's rather bushy, but fits fine. Her hair is done in an elaborate cylinder sitting on her head, and she has diamond earrings, which sparkle and shine as she walks down the aisle. Blaze and Fox smile as she passes. She waves from her left hand near her waist nervously as she reaches the end of the aisle, and she turns to face Chiara, who is smiling brightly. Blaze and Fox just watch. The bishop speaks, "Do you, Chiara Deidra, take Ikeriabelle, Lady of The Reef, as your companion through time and space?" "I do." Chiara smiles, a tear rolling down her face. Blaze and Fox grin. "And do you, Ikeriabelle, Lady of The Reef, take Chiara Deidra as your lawfully wedded werewolf?" Keria speaks softly, "I do." Blaze and Fox’s grins get wider "Then you may kiss...each other!" A wall of flames appears blocking Blaze's and Fox's view. After a few moments, it disappears, revealing a smiling Keria, a pale Chiara with a large red lipstick mark on her lips, and the now ash-covered priest. Chiara bashfully glances at Blaze and Fox, and they walk down the aisle holding hands. Blaze and Fox break into laughter and applause. As the sun shone through the waters of The Reef, Keria and Chiara walked down the aisle, and out into the street, now married.

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