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Edytowany przez użytkownika Keria: 9/28/2020 12:19:32 AM


The Reef Keria was having problems. For the vague and unconvincing explanation, she was being annoyed. Counting, she was at 5,374, give or take a few minutes, or pianos for that matter. “That -SMASH- dang -SMASH- mask. -SMASH-” She found a mask made by The Mad God, or Toaster as most people knew him. Once she picked it up, pianos started falling on her. Just great. Exactly what she needed at this time. Least she got a cool thing she can put on the mantle of the fireplace. Since she wasn’t one to be able to be fell by a piano, she took several aspirin pills, and went to The Library, thinking she could activate her project there, without being buried by piano rubble. “Let’s -SMASH- see what -SMASH- these books have -SMASH- to say.” She read in a book from The Plane of Fire, that if she made 13 Swedish Sewing Machines by hand, the pianos would stop falling. Keria had been working on a project ever since she’d acquired the extensive library from The Plane of Fire, the idea was, if you could read for hours in real life, what if you could speed the process up, like taking an entire college course, and not legitimately use any real time?? And when you finished, only say, a minute had passed? This was the basis of her project, a slowed time loop! You could enter the radius of the device, and stay there for however long you wanted, doing whatever you wanted! Except one problem. It couldn’t be moved once activated. She could shut it off, and relocate it, but that took a long time. So the Library in The Coral Palace was now a place where you can blow hours while reading and actually spend no time. After she had made 6 of the required sewing machines, she decided to take a break. A long one. Several hours later, three minutes in real time, Keria woke up, and continued sawing, sanding, and swearing at splinters. Finally, she had finished an assortment of useless sewing machines, with an excruciating amount of splinters. She walks out of the library, and accidentally slams into her significant other, Chiara Deidra. “Key? Did you finish them?” Chiara chuckles nervously. “Of course I did Chiara. I don’t have pianos falling on my head anymore now do I?” “Ok ok. I’m happy.” She smiles, and continues on what she was doing, thankfully without pianos.

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