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Edytowany przez użytkownika IntrovertedNerd: 10/21/2020 4:23:33 PM

Using the scientific method to discover the difference between clerics and necromancers

[b]Question:[/b] What is the difference between a Life cleric and a necromancer? [b] Research:[/b] Life clerics and necromancers are both portrayed raising the dead. [b]Hypothesis:[/b] Life clerics and necromancers are very different, and could be even viewed as opposites by some people. [b] Experiment:[/b] I will page through vague passages of D&D 5e rulebooks and look at a bunch of online memes to gather information. [b]Data and Analysis:[/b] Life clerics are wielders of life giving magic, have great fashion sense, and bring people back from the dead. [i]"You'll be back on your feet in no time!"[/i] Necromancers are wielders of life giving magic, have great fashion sense, and bring people back from the dead. [i]"You'll be back on your feet in no time!"[/i] [b]Conclusion:[/b] Life clerics and necromancers are one and the same.

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