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10/31/2020 3:19:14 AM

Meeting the Annulled Part 2

*Evelyn arrives in the dusty green frame, covered in the white hood as before.* The space around her melts into a vision of an ancient city, with a temple straight ahead of her. The city looks almost like ancient Grecian architecture, but melded with a weird technology. *Eve waits, scanning her surroundings.* Nothing happens. There is a slight rumble, originating from the temple. *Eve shifts the green, crystal nanites at her feet to make vibrations. This way she can hopefully nap out the area around and below her.* The area beneath her is completely solid weirdly enough, and goes for several thousand miles. But then it stops, and falls off into sheer space. *Eve tries to map further, towards the temple.* You pick up five anomalous signals in the center of the temple. *Evelyn waits, scanning and recording.* The signals in the middle of the temple do not move. Nothing happens around you as the breeze picks up, heading in the direction of the temple. *Eve scans the temple, comparing it to databases on ancient architecture to look for similarities.* She picks up nothing on file. Whatever this is, it’s anomalous in nature. *Eve uses the tremor sense at her feet as well as echolocation to make a 3D model of the temple.* The temple is easily to navigate, and is straight from the entrance in front of her, right to the center of the temple. *Eve waits.* The signals in the temple do not move. Time passes. *Eve continues to wait.* A large sigh is heard, and the wind starts picking up directed towards the temple. *Eve waits, unmoving.* A large snap is heard, and Eve appears in the middle of the temple. There is a large round table, where five people in robes sit. Two women, of unknown ethnicity, and three men, also of unknown ethnicity. Their eyes are white, and there is a square board in the middle of the table, pieces on it are moving without being touched. The first woman turns to Eve, and just watches. *Eve examines the robes figures, then watches the game.* The robes figures are silent, as the game continues on. The pieces are small stones, as each one moves, a different color moves as well. Examine the game more closely? *Eve documents and examines the game more closely.* The board is a square of 114 squares, with 5 different colored stones. As each of the five figures' eyes move, a specific colored piece moves. The game increasingly speeds up, eventually to where even Celluloid tech cannot document the speeds of the stones. *What are the five colors of stones?* The stones are orange, purple, blue, red, and pink. But yet, there is one stone that is not like the rest. And it is not moving. *What color is the unmoving stone?* Green. *Eve catalogues this and waits.* After some time, the game stops, the stones in a specific pattern. Each color of stones have completely equal amounts. Except for the green one. It is in the middle of the pattern. All five figures look right at Eve. They speak as one, "DEFEND THE SIXTH. SHE WILL BE THE KEY. WE WILL FOLLOW." “I take requests, not orders.” *Eve turns to leave.* "FINE. PLEASE DEFEND THE SIXTH. YOU WILL GET MORE ANOMALOUS OCCURRENCES." *Eve stops.* "Now that, I can agree to." "WE FIGURED AS MUCH." The city starts to disintegrate, eventually leaving Evelyn in the edge of space. *Eve leaves for her home without a word.*

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