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Edytowany przez użytkownika Keria: 11/3/2020 2:06:23 PM

A New Friend(Story)

A young woman walks down the street, taking in the sights of Offtopic Insane is strolling down the street, dressed in full battle armor, making his way home. He notices her and makes a move to meet her. She turns, and while blushing looks at Insane curiously. “Hey.” He says when I get close enough. “Sorry, I’m not trying to bother or anything...I just came to introduce myself. You seem new to town and I’m always curious. My name is Marcus.” He sticks out his hand in an awkward manner. “Pandora Salutis. Pleased to meet you.” Instead of shaking his hand, she bows slightly while smiling, and her face is blotchy with patches of scarlet, as she nervously speaks. Insane retracts his hand. “Pandora? That’s an interesting name...” He replies with a questioning smile. “Where are you from, Pandora?” She smiles. “I’m not sure Marcus.” She wrings her slightly sweaty hands together. “You aren’t sure? He asks. “What does that mean??” “I know where I...appeared, but I don’t know where I came from really.” She shrugs. “You seem to have interest. Want to get drinks?” “Drinks? Sure!” He replies eagerly. "I know a coffee shop down the street!" “You do? Well, let’s go then.” He says with a smile. Insane follows, smiling as he watches her. Pandora starts walking down the street, her bushy ponytail flapping up and down. Insane follows, smiling as he watches her. Pandora turns around, and catches him smiling at her, "Hey! We barely even know each other!" “Sorry! I just was thinking h-how...never mind...” He says while looking downwards. “Nothing! Let’s just keep going.” He says very nervously. "Really?" Pandora says, putting her hands on her curved hips. “Y-yeah.” He looks away. "Fine. Let's go then..." She rolls her eyes, and smiles mischievously once turning around. He releases a sigh of relief and continues walking. Eventually, the pair reach the coffee shop, and Pandora waits at the door inside. Insane walks up to the door and heads inside. Pandora follows Insane in. “So...would you like to get drinks right away or talk for a bit first?” He asks. He makes his way to a table towards the back corner and sits down.* "We can do whatever you want." Insane turns bright red and looks away. “I’ll start with a question then, earlier you said you didn’t know where you came from, what did you mean by that? How do you not know where you came from...” He now looks very confused. "Ugh. You really don't wanna know..." “If I didn't, why would I ask?” He says with a smirk. "But why???..." “Because I’m interested. Why should I not?” "Fine. So basically I was sitting in nonexistence, doing whatever people do there. Then I feel like I'm getting tore to shreds and reassembled somewhere else. And the rest is something I'm not saying..." “ That’s really something, it must've been painful.” He pauses and thinks for a second. “How old are you?” He asks. "Near 18. You?" “Almost 19. My date of birth is in two months.” "Nice. Mine's next month." “Have any plans for when you are 18...?” He asks with a smile. "Why?" Pandora looks at him with a sly grin. “Just wondering...” "Reaaaaallllyyy?" Pandora gives Insane the stink eye. “Yes. Just curious is all.” He looks away and begins fiddling with the armor on his arms.\ Pandora examines Insane's face and stature, interested. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He seems embarrassed. "Just looking at what I'm talking to." She chuckles, and unties her hair, which promptly blows up into a rather bushy expanse. “I-I uh...what were we talking about?” Insane seems genuinely flustered and confused. "You asked why I was looking at you." Pandora's jade eyes gleam. “Oh, yeah. Are you thirsty?” He quickly changes the subject. "Sure..." Pandora covertly tries to continue looking at him, and examining his appearance. Insane gets up and goes to ask the lady behind the counter about drinks. When he gets up she begins noticing his appearance more and more. First she sees his hair, It goes down to his neck. messy, dark brown, curly at the bottom. She notices his stature...he isn’t tall but the way he holds himself makes him seem dignified and strong. His arms are muscular from hard labor and battle. He wears a black cloak, underneath appears to be leather armor but with metal plating on his arms and legs. On his back is a leather sheath with his sword, she can see the white gleam through the leather, it’s beautiful. He turns around with what appears to be coffee in his hands, he smiles. His smile is shy, but in a good way. He seems happy. Insane walks over and sets down her glass in front of her and then sits down in his chair. “I just got coffee. I didn’t know what you wanted. Probably should’ve asked...” He says awkwardly. "It's alright! I'll drink about anything besides blood!" Pandora takes it, and sips it. “Oh good!” He sips his coffee as well. "So. Any more questions for me?" “A few.” He says while taking another sip. “What made you come to OffTopic?” "My mother told me I should see the city." “Who is your mom?” "You know her." “Do I?” "Yeah." “Ok...well who is she?” He asks. "Ummm....guess..." Pandora giggles. “Guess?? Well I suppose I don’t know that many females...this’ll be easy.” He replies confidently. "I bet it will be..." Pandora giggles again. “Is she a witch?” He asks with a smile. "" “Does she help run a bar?” "Nope." “Hmm...” Insane stands up and pulls out his sword. “Would she recognize this?” He says with a smirk. "Hmmm....I'm not sure..." “I’ll say her name then, is it Keria?” "Maaaaayyybbbeeee...???" Pandora winces, smiling. “Maybe? Yes or no?” He sits back down and smiles. "Fine. Yes. But not genetically." “Not genetically?? What does that mean?” "It's a long story." “I have time.” He says with a smile. "I'll tell you if we trust each other a little more." Pandora slyly smiles. “True...we’ve only just met.”, He says smiling wider now* "Yes we have Marcus. Are you doing anything later?" “Well...I was on my way home from a hunt. So I had nothing planned...” "Wanna meet up later?" “I’ll need some time to clean up, but sure...where at?” "Want to come to my place for dinner?" “Where do you live?” "I'll send you the coordinates." Pandora grins. “Sounds good, do you want me to bring anything?” He says downing the rest of his coffee. "Only bring what you want." Pandora shrugs. "I gotta go get ready." “Ok, nice meeting you! I look forward to later.” Insane gets up. “See you later Marcus.” Pandora finishes her coffee, and walks out.

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