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12/2/2020 6:25:28 AM

Deep Stone Crypt Final Encounter Bug

So, huge problem with Tanik's DPS phase today, this needs to be looked at ASAP so other teams don't get their DSC runs stolen by this infuriating bug. First damage phase went fine. In the second, Taniks appeared to stagger during his knockback attack animation, and canceled the attack. He stayed invulnerable for the entire rest of that DPS phase, while moving and shooting as if the phase had already completed. The flying debris never despawned. The final phase before enrage, the same thing happened, but the electric floor stayed instead of the debris. Taniks was once again invulnerable, but became damageable again as soon as his meteor attack began. With the hazard in the center of the arena it was incredibly difficult to finish him off. (though, we did actually manage to kill him... just barely... after we had wiped. clutch timing). Link is to a photo of the floor just sitting there post-kill. I don't have any other pictures unfortunately because we were trying to salvage the absolute madness that had started.

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