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Edytowany przez użytkownika Keria: 1/1/2021 4:00:24 AM

Ghost (Story)

"Another one please."[i], she said with a slight cough. The bartender nodding, sliding another shot of Void Wine down the counter, smoother then Clarent. In fact he was jealous, and he wouldn't shut up.[/i] [i]/Why are we in this baaaaarrrr?\[/i], [i]the sword groaned. The other sword on her back, Challenger's Mark, answered in her usual menacing Russian tone, "Because you do what she says Clarent. And you don't [b]gripe, moan, groan, or lament you're not killing people."[/b][/i] [i]/Come onnnnnnnn......\[/i] "[i]Shut up.[/i]", [i]Challenger's said, except it sounded almost like 'shatup'.[/i] [i]She pinched the bridge of her nose as she downed the shot,[/i] "Pleaaase be quiet." [i]/Fine boss...\[/i] "Thank you. Another.", [i]she said wearily as she slammed the shot glass down.[/i] [i]The bartender raises an eyebrow,[/i] "You sure you want to have any more? Just take the bottle if that's how far your going." [i]She raises an outstretched hand, and the bartender hesitating for a moment, places the bottle in her hand. She takes a large swig, trying to douse the memories that were made in this bar. Wait, a club, not a bar. She glances around, she's the only one in here. Taking another swig, her vision starts flashing, memories overlapping instead of disappearing like she wanted. A blond woman, and a younger her, sitting in a curved booth, laughing, and smiling together. Eventually, leaning in, the most bizarre sight. A ruby red skinned woman, kissing a lanky blond. As she finished the bottle, she started seeing the most fabulous patterns in front of her, her current form's primitive mind flooded with the intoxicating effects of Void Wine.[/i] "Stop...stop it....stop stop stop....", [i]she kept muttering, but the memories kept pouring in... a moon-lit walk along the beach... kneeling onboard a flying wing with a small box in one hand... and standing over a body, in a ruined kitchen. She stumbles out of the bar, and makes it to the edge of Offtopic City, falling on her knees on a hill, looking up at the pale moon. She barely makes out one question, "Where did you go my silver ghost?"[/i] [spoiler]Happy end of one of my best years of my life. I know it wasn't like that for everyone else, but thanks Man Upstairs. Mumsy's alive, we haven't lost next to anyone, haven't lost any income, and online school is a piece of cake. [/spoiler]

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