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Destiny 2

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12/28/2020 11:32:06 PM

Bungie needs to communicate more often

Every time I make genuine constructive criticism in the forums or anyone brings up an issue on YouTube I feel like we’re talking to a brick wall. 9 times out of 10 we get no response about genuine issues that are plaguing the game which are brought up constantly. Core playlist lootpools, crucible maps and gamemodes, stasis, vendors, strike playlist’s repetitive strikes, light subclass balancing, sunset weapon reissuing, lack of things to do in the cosmodrome, gambit and its plethora of problems. There is more small problems but you understand the point. It’s the fact that I rarely see the “bungie reply” on posts anymore, while I know a few posts are not necessarily constructive, some are and really do establish some real problems in this game that aren’t being addressed. This also goes for YouTubers who are ignored big or small. I understand if bungie says one or two things on Reddit but not everyone uses the platform. There needs to be a lot more communication in the future because the game is in a very stale spot right now with no real reason to play beyond the weekly reset.

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika AubsTheBelieber: 12/29/2020 7:28:48 AM
    If you look at the two and only two Bungie Employees all of us have to communicate with, DMG04 and Cozmo. Mentors and Ninjas reply often but nothing we say to them makes it to Bungie cause they are just form volunteers not employees. So now look at Cozmo, look at DMG04, and now take out each This Week At Bungie post they make, take away their posts that are just them creating info posts. Simply take away them liking things that are nothing to do with feedback... You are left with the reality now that Cozmo barely hits 4 replies to players feedback posts, and DMG04 is worse usually around 2 times in a month he talks to a player. Heck, there's many months both of them don't even reply to any players on If the people that are considered Community Managers can't at least reply to 5 posts by us each month, there is no communication. Bungie has no phone number to call. No email to message for help. No live chat. The only communication with Bungie is this forum, and Bungie reads/replies to less than a handful of the thousands upon thousands of posts in a month. Before you try to defend this, please at least take a second to check your own Bungie Activity feed and see if you are more active on these forums then the darn Community Managers and if you aren't, which it's more than likely you are more active then them, then it at least is guaranteed that the majority of the people commenting on this post are more active each month and reply to more people than Cozmo and DMG04 even do.

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    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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