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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Seiryoku: 1/6/2021 2:59:49 PM

Dmg04, when you say that Shatterdive

is being looked into, can you tell us what that entails? Will the effectiveness of the fragment [b][i][u]Whisper of Fissure[/u][/i][/b] be looked into? Because traditionally things being "looked into" is code for irreparably nerfed after a long development period. What are the exact increases when pairing the [b]Whisper of Fissure[/b] fragment with a glacial grenade? [b]Whisper of Fissures[/b]: Increases the damage and size of the burst of Stasis when you destroy a Stasis crystal or defeat a frozen target. And it's equipped to [b]ALL[/b] the people currently exploiting the effectiveness of the combo. This makes BOTH Shatterdive and the Cryoclasm slide lethal at extreme ranges.

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