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2/25/2021 6:16:06 PM

Significant lag/stuttering/crashes, possible due to 3060 drivers

Logged on today after updating my drivers and I'm getting severe lag/stuttering and crashes. It feels very similar to the issues that arose at the start of the season. It's mostly happening when the games loading, for example if I'm loading into a destination and try to change weapons or subclasses it'll reduce my FPS to single digits. My first attempt at loading into the tower resulted in a black screen then the game crash. My first gambit match froze during the initial load and I was frozen for the lobby section and first wave of enemies. My second gambit match seemed to load me into the game but I was stuck with a black screen. The game wasn't frozen as audio continued to play and I could press escape to change characters. My third gambit match crashed my game. For reference I'm running a 2060, R5 3600, 2x8gb ram. As I mentioned I updated my nvidia drivers shortly before playing and had zero issues like this last night.

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