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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
8/30/2019 6:40:17 AM


Do you guys, the community think this is fair?


Should there be a paid battlepass in a $60 game?


Dont you think this is kinda scummy?


It wasn't Activision calling all the predatory consumer actions. It was Bungie the whole time. Not only is there a "FrEe" version of the wack battlepass, you can also purchase it? Way cool. Just like Fortnite, you can also purchase battlepass tiers. This is absolutely ludicrous dude. In a 60 dollar game we had: - A shotty Expansion pass for $40 - Forsaken $40 - Annual Pass $35 - Battlepass (Up to $100 more than likely) And what do we have to show for our nice hard work? You geussed it man! An absolute scam, for the big greedy company to take your money! Isn't that just cool? Honestly dude, don't say something like, "If YoU dOn'T lIkE iT? dOn'T bUy It!" I as a consumer, feel like you're 200% screwing us. Where's the fun in giving you money for a awful monetization tactic, and receiving nothing for it dude? Wtf man. This truly isn't fair, at all! I get life sucks, and then some? But don't ruin my fun with awful monetization to make kids waste their parents bank accounts, so you can feel richer. Not cool. (Proof 1: Proof 2: Nice timing guys. Just bravo, Bungie 👏

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