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Destiny 2

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8/10/2021 6:50:26 PM

No more limited RNG exotics, or remove collections from seals

39 tries and no Vex still. Why is this shit possible? It's the last thing I need for the seal, which was my main goal since descendant, and I have no control over getting it. Just gotta wait until I'm not shit on by your RNG system, right? Quit requiring the collections for the seal, or have more reliable and fun ways to earn the different things from them. Some stupid ass RNG drop is not mastery of the raid like the other triumphs are. Have the exotic be a quest, or farmable, or from certain feats like flawless or higher drop chance from master. You could actually just have your bad luck protection reach 100% for those who've done every possible looted clears the same week the seal becomes available. You came out and said that you don't want seals tied to RNG, but here we are 2 collections-required raid seals later. Destiny raids are some of, if not the greatest content this studio has ever produced, and this shit just sours that. This isn't fun, and it doesn't increase your playtime metric. If you want me to play more, I'll play more when I can enjoy my Title and getting to try out the gun. Being rammed in the ass by your frankly dogshit RNG raid exotic system makes me just skip doing all the different things I could have done for the week, or grinding out other seals and content. This shits not fun, it makes people not want to play the game, please look it over for Witch Queens raid. You people who are so eager to bask in people's frustration and defend this garbage RNG system, save your shitty little comments. Just because you didn't get your Eyes, or your crux, or your 1k until your 800th clear doesn't mean everyone else should have to put up with this. The system was bad in the past, which is why it should be improved and fixed for everyone.

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