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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
9/13/2021 6:11:04 PM

Chaperone and linear fusions are not ok in crucible.

Chaperone: Why should I have to play against a shotgun like it’s a fusion? It’s range is not ok considering the best counters for shotguns like positioning and movement mean nothing since this literal sniper will just aim for you and hit at ranges you couldn’t think a shotgun could reach. Not to mention once roadborn is active, it’s straight unstoppable. I’d rather fight pre nerf shotguns again because at least you could actually fight people using them. Most maps are too small to deal with a weapon like this. Linear fusions: I don’t even know what to say at this point. Lorentz and arbalest are powerhouse weapons that aim for you. They cannot be compared to snipers due to the uncanny aim assist (regardless of what the stats say) and their short scopes. These guns are so oppressive that after losing rounds in trials you can switch to Lorentz and the game immediately switches to your favor. And it gets worse when dying to Lorentz will punish your entire team by yanking you 20 metres across the map. It’s still crazy how guns like this with very high usage rates stay untouched for such a long period of time. I shouldn’t be forced to play around weapons that literally single handed win games for people because they lock onto the head with little effort involved.

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