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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika An Engram Full Of Bees: 1/5/2022 5:30:04 AM

(Rant) Y’all should stop hating on Bungie so much

[u][b][i]They aren’t idiots.[/i][/b][/u] Bungie is not being run by a bunch of programming interns who don’t have a clue about game design. It’s a multi-million dollar company. [i]They know what they’re doing.[/i] If there’s an issue with the game that they haven’t fixed yet, odds are it would be difficult for [i]any[/i] developer to fix it. [u][b][i]They aren’t lazy.[/i][/b][/u] Do you think that they sit around playing video games all day? These people have jobs. They get paid to work all week every week to fix issues and make new content for us. Rome wasn’t built in a day. We can wait a month or two for a video game. [u][b][i]They (mostly) aren’t making the decisions.[/i][/b][/u] Most game developers are run by teams of people. Blaming the entire company does nothing when it’s always the people in senior positions (10-20% of the personnel) who make decisions about things like what kind of content to put behind paywalls, how much you should grind for rewards, what items to nerf and/or buff. I’m not saying we should stop making posts about changes we want, but a bunch of rude blanket statements that lump everyone at Bungie together won’t solve anyone’s problems. I know it’s mostly immature people saying these things. But at the risk of putting my neck on the cringe chopping block, I’m going to go ahead and post this anyways. Because I honestly think a lot of people need to hear it. Rant over.

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika RonnieOP: 1/5/2022 3:39:57 PM
    So your saying people shouldn’t be able to complain about a company that they have given hundreds to? It doesn’t matter why Bungie has these issues. It’s the fact that they do and despite having the resources to fix it they don’t. Bungie isn’t some mom and pop dev. They are a multi million dollar company that just keeps making the same dumb mistakes. They get what they deserve. Praise them when they do good and bash them when they do something dumb. It’s nobodies fault but their own that they do far more stupid -blam!- than good -blam!-. Time wasn’t built in a day. Your right. It also wasn’t built after years and years with the end product looking like it was built in a day. That’s what bungie does.

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