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Edytowany przez użytkownika oPoOoNoYo: 1/15/2022 8:21:58 PM


Hi it’s me…. Looking for an End Game family/community? We are a close group of adults who play all end game activities to a high to semi-high level. US and UK timezones We believe in quality over quantity, so recruitment will be limited. What we do: Raids Titles GMs (farming as well) Dungeons (farming as well) Trials IB ….. and yes even Gambit…. What we expect: 21+ Use of Discord Interactive folks Xbox or PC with XBL chat We also believe life comes first. Our average age is mid 30s and understand the requirements of family and life. But honestly who wants to suck at your hobby and spend 6 hours in a raid. No one. Learn it. Beat the crap out of it. Carry on. Interested?! Leave a like and comment and we will get back at you! Cheers!

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