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2/28/2022 6:39:28 AM

Cannot disband clan

Dunno if this is where to post but I can't find anywhere else where it would make sense to post, so. I'm the founder and only member of my D2 clan. There were once others, but it's just me. I'd like to disband it and join a friend. But I "do not have sufficient permissions" to do so. I've tried on the mobile app, in the game menu, and through the website. All of them give me the same response. In game it says I have 2 members in the clan, but I'm the only member listed and the app does not reflect that either. I suspect that's playing a part in this. But genuinely, there's nobody left to kick and I can't disband. Has anyone else encountered a similar problem/know how to resolve this/know where I should be posting this at all?

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