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Edytowany przez użytkownika NarrowEscape531: 3/14/2022 7:07:13 PM

A casual clan for oldies who don’t take the game too seriously

Welcome To The Zuicide Squad A casual clan for older guardians age 50+ Uk and xb1. Are you hunting for a casual patient relaxing chilled friendly laidback adult clan who doesn’t take life or game too seriously. A clan that doesn’t care if you can’t hit a barn door. We don’t care if don’t have the best guns or gear. A clan that doesn’t get stressed or throw tantrums if we lose or mess up. A clan that doesn’t care about each other’s abilities skill or knowledge of the game. A clan that just wants to have a laugh messing about playing destiny casually after a hard days work. We’re probably not for the hardcore sweaty super active guardians. Just chill out.

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