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3/24/2022 4:35:43 PM

Exo stranger bugged, no fragments quests

No available stasis fragments quests Stranger doesn’t have stasis fragments questsSoftlocked from stasis fragments No available stasis fragments quests Stranger doesn’t have stasis fragments quests Hey, I'm unable to pick up four stasis fragments, and Stranger isn’t offering new quests either. I have checked each character's quests, vault, and the kiosk. I have waited for months and every reset I check what's mentioned before, no luck. i am not alone with this problem, this is missing content. if you put the search tools for the past year you see that a lot of people have the same problem. These are some pics from another user with the same exact problem: I own BL in Playstation and play in Playstation. I noticed the problem around half of the Season of the Lost and since then periodically trying to contact Bungie in various platforms no response or acknowledgment, TWQ update or the 4 hotfixes after didn't fix this problem either. it is getting annoying that I can't fully do my stasis build, especially with the new Warlock Stasis Gauntlets. here is a video of me checking every possible solution in each character:

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