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4/14/2022 9:17:00 AM

Issues with Linking Xbox and Steam accounts

In Destiny 2 at launch I went flawless, and obtained the flawless trials of the nine emblem. When D2 Foresaken launched on PC I bought the game, and I also linked me accounts and enabled cross-save. However, with my new account, I lost this emblem, and now I fear that there is no way of getting this back. At this time, I am unable to deactivate cross save until 55 days time, as I purchased silver for the season pass. However, if I deactivate cross save, unlink my Xbox account from my PC account, and re-link these accounts, will this fix my issue so I can get this emblem back? I can see that when I go to the cross save page, and need to authenticate my Xbox account, I can see that my Hunter is using the emblem that I want to get back. Is there a way that I can obtain back this emblem? Thank you in advance to anyone that can help, and if needed to can share images with proof of having this emblem on my Xbox account.

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  • Hey, Unfortunately, that emblem is linked to your Xbox characters and the only way to access it is with those characters, it will not be possible to transfer it so you can use it on your Steam account: [quote]Bungie does not provide the following services: ... - Transferring items or characters between platform accounts or inactive accounts in any capacity[/quote] Source:

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