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Edytowany przez użytkownika Scio: 5/10/2022 6:38:55 PM

Looking for Raiders New and Old! [Cross Platform] (18+)

Are you tired of looking for fireteams that end up being [i]toxic[/i]? Are you looking for a dedicated group of players that are active and willing to teach you [b]any[/b] and [b]every[/b] aspect of raiding in D2? Are you just trying to find a core group of peeps to do raids with just to have [b][i]fun[/i][/b]? If the answer to any or all of those questions is yes, then why are you looking further [i]4head[/i]? <[b]Hollow Shadows[/b]> is looking for you to join our community in hopes of nothing more but to have a good time. Zero clears in any Raid? That's awesome! We have a group of folks who [b]LOVE[/b] to teach you in any and all raids. In fact, we have a decent sized group of folks who have zero clears in some of the raids as well, so it's a teaching experience for all! You have 100+ clears across all raids? That's amazing! We're looking for raiders who have no problem raiding with those who have less experience while giving a helping hand to those who might not be as experienced as you. We only have two requirements to join: 1) Discord is [b]NOT[/b] optoinal. Regardless of being a console or PC player, this gives everyone an equal opportunity to use the tools that we provide at your disposal. Raid strategy guides, Voice comms, community events, and everything in between, we have a lot to offer as our Charlemagne bot is required to sign up for events that we post. 2) We ask that you are at least 18+. We're not privy to having kids in our clan, as we're not trying to get questioned by your parents as to why they're playing with people who are on average 24+, as some of us are parents. Thats it! If you're looking for a home, than look no further than [b]Hollow Shadows[/b].

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